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Crossing the borders in Munich (February 2018)
3nd Meeting of the DFG research unit

From the 14th – 16th of February, 2018 the consortium of Crossing the borders met at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in beautiful Munich. Besides meetings and workshops for our new project-wide shared database there was a roundup of the single Crossing projects and our  doctoral students/Post-Docs gave talks presenting the first results of their work.

Interview with Prof. Dr. Isabell Wartenburger

“In the interview with the German Center for Research and Innovation (GCRI), Prof. Dr. Wartenburger (PI in Crossing the borders) discusses why it is easier for young children to learn a foreign language and how problems in language acquisition can be predicted early in life.

Crossing the borders in Göttingen (May 2017)

2nd Meeting of the research unit

From the 8th – 12th of May, 2017 the whole team of Crossing the borders met at Georg-August-University in Göttingen. The schedule included a scientific writing workshop, a lab tour and lectures with the Mercator Fellows of the project. more

Crossing’s first Poster Session in Potsdam

In Oktober 2016, doctoral students and Postdocs of Crossing presented their upcoming projects at the University of Potsdam within a wonderful poster session.